Tony Fisher – Broadcaster and Writer

It took me 8 years from starting to write The House That Alice Built to getting it published. The support of people who encouraged me to carry on was very important, and my friend and colleague, BBC Essex presenter, Tony Fisher was one of those . He read my first...

Author Snapchat – Jo Lambert

Where are the places that inspire you? My novel, The House That Alice Built is set in Cascais in Portugal, and thee sights and sounds of the place have imprinted themselves on my mind ever since  I lived there and are a big part of the book. And as I’ve begun to write...

The Left Handed Art Exhibition – Bridget Metcalfe

  In my novel, The House That Alice Built, Alice has had to put her creative talents to one side in order to earn money to pay for the renovations and mortgage on her beloved house. When she goes to Portugal, she gradually begins to find that part of her...

Podcasting from around the world

My novel, The House That Alice Built, is set in Portugal. Alice evolves and changes partly by being somewhere else and experiencing the world from a different perspective. My intrepid friends Amy Rose Thompson and Nick Thompson are adventurous travellers and have...

Author Snapchat

Do you switch on the pictures in your mind? My novel, The House That Alice Built is set in Cascais in Portugal, where I lived many years ago. The sights and sounds of the place have imprinted themselves on my mind ever since then and are a big part of the book. And as...